
Published on:

3rd Nov 2023

Mastering the Art of Authentic Sales: Unveiling Transformational Strategies with Laura Wright, Founder of Epic Sales

Want to surround yourself with women who elevate you?


  • Hosts introduce Laura Wright, founder of Epic Sales
  • Discuss the importance of sales for businesses

Changing Perceptions of Sales:

  • Sales can be positive and authentic with a mindset of care and support
  • Shift from transactional to transformational sales, building relationships with clients

Understanding Your Sales Style:

  • Overcoming sales-related challenges by understanding personal history and money story
  • Align sales approach with core values and beliefs

The Five Steps to Yes:

  1. Connect: Build rapport and find common ground with clients
  2. Listen and Learn: Understand client's struggles and validate their experiences
  3. Vision: Focus on the client's desired outcome and create excitement about possibilities
  4. Invitation: Offer options for working together and empower clients to choose
  5. Close: Ask how clients want to get started, navigate objections with a partnership mindset

Overcoming Objections:

  • Guidance on handling objections and resistance during sales conversations
  • Become a partner with clients, and help address concerns related to money, time, etc.


  • Hosts thank Laura for sharing expertise on sales
  • Emphasize the importance of mastering sales for business success
  • Laura offers a free PDF guide on overcoming objections and implementing the five steps to yes in sales, accessible at her official website

Links and Resources:

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About the Podcast

The Female Millionaire
'The Female Millionaire' is a podcast highlighting the inspiring experiences of outstanding women who have a growth mindset and are willing to take bold steps to reach $1M + in revenue, become financially independent, and build significant wealth.
This podcast is hosted by Midori Verity. A serial entrepreneur for over 25 years, who aims to inspire and empower women from all backgrounds. This podcast features interviews with remarkable female entrepreneurs who share their experiences, advice, and tips for overcoming challenges. It also explores topics like work-life balance, personal growth, and how wealth affects philanthropy and relationships. Whether you're an aspiring businesswoman or simply seeking inspiration, 'The Female Millionaire' is the perfect podcast for you.