
Published on:

6th Dec 2023

From Stage Fright to Spotlight: Bobby Carlton on Mastering Public Speaking and Amplifying Your Message

Want to surround yourself with women who elevate you?


  • Join us as we dive deep into the world of public speaking and personal branding with the remarkable Bobbie Carlton, founder of Innovation Women. Learn how to elevate your presence and leverage speaking opportunities to amplify your message.

Bobbie’s Dynamic Career

  • Bobbie’s background: Maverick in speaking, PR & marketing expert, and multi-business founder.
  • The birth of Innovation Women: A mission to empower women speakers.
  • Bobbie’s diverse ventures: From PR firms to social media events, to digital magazines.

Building a Foundation

  • The importance of defining goals before stepping into public speaking.
  • Differentiating between those who speak for compensation vs. those leveraging speaking for business growth.
  • Challenges faced by women in the speaking industry.

 Crafting a Compelling Message

  • The distinction between thought leaders and experts.
  • Tailoring your presentation for maximum impact: Keynotes vs. Expert talks.
  • Strategies for engaging the audience and delivering memorable takeaways.

Captivating Delivery Techniques

  • Avoiding information overload: Focusing on concise, relevant content.
  • Understanding the significance of pacing and audience reactions.
  • Embracing storytelling to drive home key messages.

Packaging Your Speaking Business

  • Introduction to the concept of creating packages for presentations.
  • The role of tools like speaker one-sheets in establishing credibility and providing essential information.


Reflecting on the essence of public speaking: Serving the audience. Tips on refining presentation skills and building confidence over time. Encouraging listeners to step into the spotlight with purpose and passion.

Links and Resources:

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About the Podcast

The Female Millionaire
'The Female Millionaire' is a podcast highlighting the inspiring experiences of outstanding women who have a growth mindset and are willing to take bold steps to reach $1M + in revenue, become financially independent, and build significant wealth.
This podcast is hosted by Midori Verity. A serial entrepreneur for over 25 years, who aims to inspire and empower women from all backgrounds. This podcast features interviews with remarkable female entrepreneurs who share their experiences, advice, and tips for overcoming challenges. It also explores topics like work-life balance, personal growth, and how wealth affects philanthropy and relationships. Whether you're an aspiring businesswoman or simply seeking inspiration, 'The Female Millionaire' is the perfect podcast for you.