
Published on:

5th Dec 2023

Breaking Barriers: Empowering Women Entrepreneurs with Her Headquarters

Want to surround yourself with women who elevate you?

In this episode, we are joined by the incredible woman, Carina Glover, Founder and CEO of HerHeadquarters. Carina shares her inspiring journey and the mission of revolutionizing women-owned businesses.

Business Concept:

HerHeadquarters focuses on helping women-owned businesses rise, increase their footprint, and achieve success. The goal is to remove barriers and serve one million businesses through corporate services, women-owned business certification, and their platform.

Inspiration to Start:

Carina shares the middle version of her story. Originally planning to be a high-profile event planner, she faced challenges and setbacks. The turning point was realizing the value of collaboration. Her initial mindset of doing everything alone led to a failed launch party. This experience fueled her passion for supporting women-owned businesses.

Transition to HerHeadquarters:

After achieving success in event planning, Carina realized she wasn't happy. Through prayer and introspection, the vision for HerHeadquarters came to her. She made a swift transition, shutting down her event planning business and launching HerHeadquarters to empower women entrepreneurs.

Challenges and Resilience:

Over the past four years, HerHeadquarters faced both highs and lows. Carina reflects on the struggles, including technical issues with their app and challenges in hiring the right talent. Despite the hardships, she remains committed, excited for what's ahead, and proud of not giving up.

Upgrading the Platform:

Carina announces a significant decision to shift from the app to a fully desktop version, aiming to provide users with a smoother, glitch-free experience. This upgrade aligns with the company's mission to serve women-owned businesses better.

Corporate Services:

HerHeadquarters offers a corporate concierge service, connecting corporations with women-owned businesses for projects and campaigns. Carina illustrates the process using Victoria's Secret as an example, emphasizing the platform's role in matching businesses efficiently.

Looking Forward:

Carina discusses the company's impact, acknowledging progress but expressing the desire to do better. She announces the app's discontinuation, emphasizing it as an upgrade for the company and its users. Carina shares her excitement for the future and commitment to serving women-owned businesses.

Closing Thoughts:

Listeners are encouraged to check out HerHeadquarters, especially if they are women-owned businesses looking for opportunities and support. Carina's journey serves as inspiration for resilience and commitment to entrepreneurship.

Links and Resources:

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About the Podcast

The Female Millionaire
'The Female Millionaire' is a podcast highlighting the inspiring experiences of outstanding women who have a growth mindset and are willing to take bold steps to reach $1M + in revenue, become financially independent, and build significant wealth.
This podcast is hosted by Midori Verity. A serial entrepreneur for over 25 years, who aims to inspire and empower women from all backgrounds. This podcast features interviews with remarkable female entrepreneurs who share their experiences, advice, and tips for overcoming challenges. It also explores topics like work-life balance, personal growth, and how wealth affects philanthropy and relationships. Whether you're an aspiring businesswoman or simply seeking inspiration, 'The Female Millionaire' is the perfect podcast for you.