
Published on:

8th Nov 2023

Fuel the Fire: Unleashing Grit and Resilience – A Conversation with Jennifer Mcdonnell Bardot

Want to surround yourself with women who elevate you?


  • Jennifer Bardot, dynamic entrepreneur and publisher of 'Deconstructing G.R.I.T.' collection
  • Inspiring testament to the resilience and the power of collaboration
  • Delve into the transformative path, from the inception of the book series to overcoming challenges and creating impactful partnerships

Navigating the Pandemic:

  • Jennifer's entrepreneurial journey during challenging times of pandemic
  • Inspired by the strength of women and minorities facing difficulties
  • Creation of platforms to amplify voices and stories of resilience

Building a Community of Grit:

  • Jennifer's dedication to building a supportive community of women
  • Importance of a supportive network and understanding challenges faced by entrepreneurs
  • Collaboration with like-minded individuals for positive change

Strategic Partnerships and Alignment:

  • Significance of forming strategic partnerships with aligned organizations and brands
  • Importance of genuine alignment and long-term vision
  • Demonstrating the game-changing impact of purpose-driven partnerships

Overcoming Challenges and Resilience:

  • Jennifer's candid sharing of encountered challenges
  • Dealing with trademark issues and authors dropping out
  • Importance of making quick, decisive decisions and building confidence
  • Cultivating resilience and the ability to handle hard conversations

Looking Ahead:

  • Jennifer's plans for the future, including 'Grit Galas' for live performance experiences
  • Vision for empowering women and expanding the community
  • Passion, dedication, and commitment to uplifting women


  • Thank you for tuning in to 'Fuel to Fire'
  • Stay inspired, stay resilient, and keep unleashing your grit

Links and Resources:

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About the Podcast

The Female Millionaire
'The Female Millionaire' is a podcast highlighting the inspiring experiences of outstanding women who have a growth mindset and are willing to take bold steps to reach $1M + in revenue, become financially independent, and build significant wealth.
This podcast is hosted by Midori Verity. A serial entrepreneur for over 25 years, who aims to inspire and empower women from all backgrounds. This podcast features interviews with remarkable female entrepreneurs who share their experiences, advice, and tips for overcoming challenges. It also explores topics like work-life balance, personal growth, and how wealth affects philanthropy and relationships. Whether you're an aspiring businesswoman or simply seeking inspiration, 'The Female Millionaire' is the perfect podcast for you.