
Published on:

8th Sep 2023

From Business Success to Heartfelt Giving: The Inspiring Journey of Sophia Felix, Award-Winning Entrepreneur and CEO of HBM Talent and Management Agency

Want to surround yourself with women who elevate you?


  • Get to know Sophia Felix, an accomplished entrepreneur and HBM Talent and Management Agency CEO. Delve into her remarkable story of establishing a thriving business and leaving a positive mark on her community through philanthropy and transforming her personal passion project into a nonprofit venture.

Importance of Giving Back:

  • In Sophia’s journey as a CEO, she emphasized the importance of giving back to the local community. It not only touched lives but also drew positive notice from the media, enhancing the company's reputation.

Sustainable Integration of Philanthropy:

  • Sophia allocated 10% of her business's revenue during the holidays to charitable causes. She also highlighted the influence of this sustainable integration of philanthropy into entrepreneurship and its positive impact on the community and her company.


  • Highlighted Sophia's impactful journey and her dedication to making a difference. She stressed the significance of philanthropy within entrepreneurship, showcasing its ability to generate positive outcomes for both society and businesses. Encourage listeners to draw inspiration from Sophia's story incorporating philanthropy into their entrepreneurial endeavors.

Links And Resources:

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About the Podcast

The Female Millionaire
'The Female Millionaire' is a podcast highlighting the inspiring experiences of outstanding women who have a growth mindset and are willing to take bold steps to reach $1M + in revenue, become financially independent, and build significant wealth.
This podcast is hosted by Midori Verity. A serial entrepreneur for over 25 years, who aims to inspire and empower women from all backgrounds. This podcast features interviews with remarkable female entrepreneurs who share their experiences, advice, and tips for overcoming challenges. It also explores topics like work-life balance, personal growth, and how wealth affects philanthropy and relationships. Whether you're an aspiring businesswoman or simply seeking inspiration, 'The Female Millionaire' is the perfect podcast for you.